The Begining of Kill da Ducks

Learn how it was at the begining.

Last progress entry

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A WIP arcade hard game you should check :P

Last Bug revealed

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About me

Just a bit of information about myself.

Oct 29, 2011

Grav has now a menu!

Yep! And it's fully working!
The menu consists on 4 different kind of items:

they are self explanatory ^^

You can Register, Login, and you data is saved to a local file (if you want). Here you have a video to show you how it's going on:

Thanks for watching! A demo will be avaible very soon! ;)

Oct 21, 2011

Some progress in Grav!

Hi! I have been coding a bit the game, but not very much because of the exams, in fact I still have two next week, but these one are about compuer science. Anyway, what I have been working on is the timer, the sequences, the play... everything to be more precise.
You can now play a classic game, that looks a lot to super gravitron with the same sequences but with a better and more intuitive movement control, you'll see veyr soon what I'm talking about ;)
Your stats are now saved automatically to the server, you only have to create an account an the beggining with an ptional password (not implemented yet in the game but already done for the database). By stats I mean the time you have been playing, the deaths, the best time, registration date... I may add more stats later, I accepts any suggestions :)

The connections are called in threads, so they doesn't interfer with the gameplay.

Post some comments if you read something, I would really appreciate it, it fells as if nobody read something that blog!

Oct 16, 2011

What's up!?

So, I have been a little absent for a while, and I have not even been working on my game, BUT I have been having a lot of fun playing the Binding of Isaac, and recorded some videos, you can watch here: Playlist
I have also been worked on an arcade game, which name must still be though, but it may bee "Grav".
It's inspired on Gravitron, a part of VVVVVV, a nice game I played a while. I'm uploading the video to the internet so I have something to show, you can also check these picks:

Other than that I have been really busy with my studies and other stuff, I must say things are getting harder!

I don't think I'm going to advance very much KdD while I'm evelopping ths arcade game, but it shouldn't take a lot of time, it will simply have a Classic mode and an extended mode, with different sequences, slow time custom levels (larger too or samller!) etc
I will post it here when I'm done or even when I have some playable alpha!

Here is the video: