I'm quite busy right now and I have been busy for the last two weeks, I hope to get some free time soon... I'm sorry about that
BTW I create a mail, so you can send anything related to my games to me, it's killdaducks@gmail.com
Feel free to contact me.
As I said, here it is, an alpha release, still buggy, but doesn't matter :P. However there are some things you should know:
-You can only use letters, numbers and dots for password and username
-Giving the background a huge opacity may be dangerous... Seriously...
Now you're ready to go! DOWNLOAD IT!
Update: I found a bug, and I need you to take care for the moment: When you launch the game the first time and you create an account you have to close the game and relaunch it to be able to send scores. I'm sorry about that I will fix it soon.
Grav is going very well even if I had not a lot of time to code it, I porgressed in the project a lot, and I have good news! I have a song, well I'm not completly sure about song yet... but I'm sure about the artist. LukHash has composed really nice music and i contacted him today to ask the permission about adding to the game and even about adding them to Kill da Ducks (since they fit very well) and guess what... he is ok! He was very kind and answer fast my petition, I liked that.
Here is his website: http://www.lukhash.com
It's a very polished flash-based website, you should check it.
The song i'm going to use is that one:
Well about Grav, let's take a look to it.
As you can see it's almost complete, (for a playable version). I need to do an update checker (easy and fast) and a text showing you highscore on the game screen, that's all! So I'm pretty sure that tomorrow I will post a playable version ^^. It will be avaible for Windows and Mac, I'm sorry about Linux, I still have some problem to compile run SFML Applications And I didn't find a solution...
Hi! I have been coding a bit the game, but not very much because of the exams, in fact I still have two next week, but these one are about compuer science. Anyway, what I have been working on is the timer, the sequences, the play... everything to be more precise.
You can now play a classic game, that looks a lot to super gravitron with the same sequences but with a better and more intuitive movement control, you'll see veyr soon what I'm talking about ;)
Your stats are now saved automatically to the server, you only have to create an account an the beggining with an ptional password (not implemented yet in the game but already done for the database). By stats I mean the time you have been playing, the deaths, the best time, registration date... I may add more stats later, I accepts any suggestions :)
The connections are called in threads, so they doesn't interfer with the gameplay.
Post some comments if you read something, I would really appreciate it, it fells as if nobody read something that blog!
So, I have been a little absent for a while, and I have not even been working on my game, BUT I have been having a lot of fun playing the Binding of Isaac, and recorded some videos, you can watch here: Playlist
I have also been worked on an arcade game, which name must still be though, but it may bee "Grav".
It's inspired on Gravitron, a part of VVVVVV, a nice game I played a while. I'm uploading the video to the internet so I have something to show, you can also check these picks:
Other than that I have been really busy with my studies and other stuff, I must say things are getting harder!
I don't think I'm going to advance very much KdD while I'm evelopping ths arcade game, but it shouldn't take a lot of time, it will simply have a Classic mode and an extended mode, with different sequences, slow time custom levels (larger too or samller!) etc
I will post it here when I'm done or even when I have some playable alpha!
I have been working a lot on the game, and yes... I have abandonned this a bit, even if I have posted every update trhough Twitter, but anyway I don't feel anyone caring about that since I cannot see anybody commenting!
So... I added the player, BUT I will still not release an alpha version since you cannot shoot! lol, in fact that's not the reason, the reason is that I want to have something playable. By playable I mean something where you can spend a few minutes, with some sort of gameplay. When I add enough enemies and weapons to create a endless/survival mode I will create it and THEN I will publish and post it here! I want to have nice impression ^^
If you really want to test it out, check the GM version (for windows only) in the section "Demos" (on the top)
I promised a release for the last week, but since I moved on France to keep my studies, I had not enough time to code... Anyway! I will post via Twitter and via this blog all the updates as I can and as soon as I can publish a version, I'll do it!
About the game progress... the player moves correctly, he can grab weapons ans switch them, when he shoots no bullets are created but the light and sounds are. There is an old movie effect on the screen for slowmotion mode, and to show it all, here it is a new video:
I just solved the bug that made the game crash when I try to make Ducks to "quack", so here it is a video of how it's going on! I'm very impressive on how SFML is efficient!
Now I'm just going to add the flesh, I mean the body's pieces when Ducks are killed. Then I will add the weapons, then a bullet, the flash, the bullet hit effect and finally the player! I may release an alpha there ^^
I coded the sound manager and the sound loader, and here you can see the result:
YT messed up the final result, the original video sync the audio perfectly...
I was reprogramming the engine, ans as I said I was working on the blood since I knew that the texture error that I previously showed up had something to deal with that... And I figured out what it was. Appareantly SFML 2 has some bugs when creating surfaces (textures) and I need to create them 2 times. It's pretty strange, but well, it works, and here I have a screeny to show that ^^
Now that that bug is cleared, the developpement should be fast. This mean that I would have a Demo in the week, probably in the end. I'm also a bit busy as it's the end of the summer and I will soon have to leave Spain to go to France because I study there.
Be patient is all I can say, it will worth it :D
The only thing I wanted to say is that I just bought the domain http://killdaducks.com the blogspot will never appear again in the address! It’s a happy new, at least for me, because the project is serious even if I still don’t know if it will be free or not. By the way I just added the Demos page to let people download the last versions, I'm goind to do some changes to the blog about the photo viewing engine, since it's not working at all...
Since this is too short I will talk a bit about how it’s going on with the new engine:
I’m still working with the surfaces, I mean the effects that must be drawn into textures to appear on the screen, I started to deal with shaders which allowed me an easier work for the light and the wall effects.
So far I have not done a lot, but that’s because I’m testing everything again and again since I’m not an experienced C++ programmer (yet!) so I need to ensure myself about what I’m doing. So far I added the light, the physics, the levels loading, the resources loading, and some blood; currently I’m working on the wall effects and the blood spatters. I promise to post an alpha version when the ducks are done in order to let people to kill some of them ^^.
Yes... it's a bad thing... but it will also make the game better, more efficient ^^
As I had some issues with the images (as you saw in an older post of bugs) and as my engine is not very well coded, it doen't even respect the "members of a class are always private", and i used namespaces instead of using static members so... here i am i reprogramming the whole with an unified Object Manager that will allow me to simplify the codingt too (making it faster too)!
I have only done the object manager and a first object, fundamental: Block
i'm adding the light and the blood as they were causing the issues so i should start by that (I need the blocks to do it!)
mmh I have not an image for this entry, so here i ave an awesome picture:
Looking at my level converter and what levels look like inside the file i decide it would be better yo do it in another way. The file was modifiable even if it was difficult to understand what is written inside ^^. So i decide to write the file in another way, and the file that first looked like this:
now look like that:
wich is much better ^^
I also added more functionality for the future editor such as editing the initial life of an enemy ^^
Today I changed a lot of things in the blog, some seems not to be working correctly though... The images slides works on my mac but not on my windows under firefox, quite strage... I also added share buttons to all the posts, and a +1 button on the right ^^ (this +1 count for the page you're viewing). Well and I like how the blog looks like right now, but it would be perfect if the slides were working...
Let's talk about the game! Today I wanted to put all my files (sprites, music etc) into one single file, i lloked trough the web and found something usefull and really easy, seems very fast too. Then i searched for a encryption function, i personnaly like Alleged RC4 and Blowfish, but i only find OpenSSL and when i downloaded i saw it was a mess of files and well i said "I only want the RC4, i should better create by myself..." and give up the work for the day ^^. The reason i wanted to have all my ressources in one file is to : 1.Make easier for the user (less files = better organization) 2. to prevent from modifiying sprites or sounds (it will not affect the game itself only the gameplay will be horrible lol ) 3. To prevent people from beeing spoiled seeing the sprites :P. I also deleted a previous version as it has all the resources even the one not used yet by the game xD, so today i created an app that take all the files in a folder and create my data.kdat. Now it's only 4 mb, i should be growing up until maybe 15-20 mb :)
I hope to release soon an alpha since I can protect my resources ^^
I will try to release the alpha for OS X too, but i have some issues (even if i mainly program my game under Mac :P )
Yesterday I said to myself it was time to update the version of SFML 2 since there was a big change: Image class was separed into 2 classes, texture and image, basically i neede to replace each image ocurrence in my project with texture, but it was not enough... i got this funny frustrating bug that made me give up and wait until next day.
Here are some screenies...
and a short video:
After seeing that I started to play Team Fortress 2 since it becamed FREE!!
it has been a while lol.
-I created a level converter that allow me (or even other people) to convert old levels files (*.lvl) to new level files (*.kdd) i also adde the possiblity to load them frm the game so i can test better teh engine itself ^^ thought some items will not work anymore
-Added the sawlauncher but still working into the cutting effect (duck are slashed i loe it ♥ )
-The light have been optimized and i added lamps (directional lights)
-Added more blood ♥
-Player jump time corrected
-Some opacity bugs corrected
i still want to end all the wepons before adding more enemies
Added a simple Duck Enenmy
Added a fast Duck enemy (he moves faster when he sees you)
Added the player
added 12 Weapons
added some nice effects like lights
I only have to reprogram everything for SFML 2 it was already done for 1.6 an dit was easy ^^
Since this is the first post i will explain a bit what I do..
here i post what's new on the game/engine and i also can post pics, videos or alpha versions.
Light Engine complete: Lights are now dynamic and light the blocks too
The wall-effects are also working (blood, hits etc)
view is working too.
Hi! The Blog is created, the palette is not the one I wanted to have but it's ok.
As this is the first Blog post I'm going to explain what is Kill da Ducks and what I'm going to publish here!
Kill da Ducks was a project i started last year, in 2010 during the holydays. I started to program it in GML using Game Maker 8. The game was using FMOD for the sounds and an extension called EasyLight for the lights. Here is a video of the last alpha version:
The game is simply a shoot'em all when you have to kill all the ducks. There is a story behind this massacre of course :P But I'm not going to reveal it.
A year later I decided to port my game to C++ because i purchased a Mac and wanted to make my game cross Platform. So I started to use SFML 2 to created the game! And here I will post every new thing I do, issues and everything! I will also reply to any questions!