Aug 16, 2011

Creating Ressources

Today I changed a lot of things in the blog, some seems not to be working correctly though... The images slides works on my mac but not on my windows under firefox, quite strage... I also added share buttons to all the posts, and a +1 button on the right ^^ (this +1 count for the page you're viewing). Well and I like how the blog looks like right now, but it would be perfect if the slides were working...

Let's talk about the game! Today I wanted to put all my files (sprites, music etc) into one single file, i lloked trough the web and found something usefull and really easy, seems very fast too. Then i searched for a encryption function, i personnaly like Alleged RC4 and Blowfish, but i only find OpenSSL and when i downloaded i saw it was a mess of files and well i said "I only want the RC4, i should better create by myself..." and give up the work for the day ^^. The reason i wanted to have all my ressources in one file is to : 1.Make easier for the user (less files = better organization) 2. to prevent from modifiying sprites or sounds (it will not affect the game itself only the gameplay will be horrible lol ) 3. To prevent people from beeing spoiled seeing the sprites :P. I also deleted a previous version as it has all the resources even the one not used yet by the game xD, so today i created an app that take all the files in a folder and create my data.kdat. Now it's only 4 mb, i should be growing up until maybe 15-20 mb :)

I hope to release soon an alpha since I can protect my resources ^^ I will try to release the alpha for OS X too, but i have some issues (even if i mainly program my game under Mac :P )


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